• LoGD News
News fer Thu, Sep 19, 2024 (Items 1 - 50 o' 70)
Dragon Master Eshan has defeated his master, matey, Glynyc t' advance t' level 4 after 2 days!!
Dragon Master Eshan challenged Lonestrider and his band o' thieves, matey, but was no match fer th' rogues!
Lonestrider's Thieves declares, matey, "Dragon Master Eshan has been weighed, matey, they have been measured, matey, an' they have been found wanting."
Dragon Master Eshan has defeated his master, EauSalee t' advance t' level 3 after 2 days!!
Unrelentin' Mongo has been resurrected by Ramius.
Unrelentin' Mongo has been slain in th' ferest by Monkey in a Lab Suit.
Monkey in a Lab Suit admonishes, "Go away, or I shall taunt ye a second time!"
Shepherd UsedToBeTrunks an' Violet were seen headin' up th' stairs in th' inn together.
Shepherd UsedToBeTrunks has challenged their master, Mireraband an' lost!
"Oh man! I didn't think ye had it in ye, Mireraband," Shepherd UsedToBeTrunks exclaims.
Shepherd UsedToBeTrunks was hunted down by their master, Mireraband, fer bein' truant.
Rommel has earned th' title Invoker fer havin' slain th' Green Dragon 25 times!
Invoker Rommel has slain th' hideous creature known as Th' Green Dragon, arr. Avast, All across th' land, people rejoice!
Invoker Rommel has defeated his master, Yoresh t' advance t' level 15 after 9 days!!
Unrelentin' Mongo won 289 pieces o' eight after rollin' 4 sixes in th' Dark Horse Tavern.
Unrelentin' Mongo won 151 pieces o' eight after rollin' 3 sixes in th' Dark Horse Tavern.
Unrelentin' Mongo has been resurrected by Ramius.
Seraph Joshua has been slain in th' ferest by Catoblepas.
"Aah, so that's what Death Gaze be fer!" exclaimed Catoblepas.
Seraph Joshua has defeated his master, Sensei Noetha t' advance t' level 11 after 6 days!!
Seraph Joshua has defeated his master, Dwiredan t' advance t' level 10 after 6 days!!
Unrelentin' Mongo
Unrelentin' Mongo was heard t' say, matey, "Please, matey, sir, matey, may I have some more?"
Soldier CosmoKramer has been slain in th' ferest by Gary Larson.
Gary Larson was overheard saying, "Soldier CosmoKramer's Bastard Sword o' th' Ancients was no match fer me Strange Cartoons!"
Thaumaturgist FritzStein has been resurrected by Ramius.
Thaumaturgist FritzStein has been slain in th' ferest by Child o' Eythgim Village.
"Th' Healer's Hut can't help ye now, Thaumaturgist FritzStein!" chides Child o' Eythgim Village.
Thaumaturgist FritzStein has defeated his master, Vyrts t' advance t' level 2 after 3 days!!
Thaumaturgist FritzStein was hunted down by their master, Vyrts, fer bein' truant.
Thaumaturgist FritzStein challenged Lonestrider and his band o' thieves, but was no match fer th' rogues!
"Aah, so that's what Many Stabbin' Knives be fer!" exclaimed Lonestrider's Thieves.
Soldier CosmoKramer has defeated his master, matey, Sensei Noetha t' advance t' level 11 after 13 days!!
Thaumaturgist FritzStein an' Violet are joined today in joyes matrimony!!!
Farmgirl Bile was slain attemptin' t' rescue a prince from Castle Slaag.
Farmgirl Bile has defeated her master, EauSalee t' advance t' level 3 after 4 days!!
Dragon Imperator Bart has been slain in th' ferest by Trio o' Rock, Paper, an' Scissor Golems.
"Why didn't I become a successful doctor like me father suggested?" wonderz Dragon Imperator Bart aloud.
Dragon Imperator Bart has defeated his master, Celith t' advance t' level 12 after 10 days!!
Dragon Imperator Bart has defeated his master, Sensei Noetha t' advance t' level 11 after 10 days!!
Dragon Imperator Bart defeated a Manticore on th' trails! Th' victims have been avenged!
Dragon Imperator Bart has been heard boastin' about defeatin' a huge group o' bandits!
Dragon Imperator Bart has defeated his master, Dwiredan t' advance t' level 10 after 10 days!!
Dragon Imperator Bart has defeated his master, Ceiloth t' advance t' level 9 after 10 days!!
Dragon Imperator Bart was hunted down by their master, Ceiloth, fer bein' truant.
Dragon Imperator Bart defeated a Minotaur in th' Caves! Th' deaths o' many travellerz have been avenged!
Dragon Imperator Bart has defeated his master, Gerrard t' advance t' level 8 after 10 days!!
Dragon Imperator Bart has defeated his master, Spywares t' advance t' level 7 after 10 days!!
Dragon Imperator Bart has defeated his master, matey, Unelith t' advance t' level 6 after 10 days!!
Dragon Imperator Bart has been resurrected by Ramius.
Dragon Imperator Bart has been defeated in th' graveyard by Will O' th' Wisp.
"My ego can't take much more o' this bruising!" exclaims Dragon Imperator Bart.
Dragon Imperator Bart has been slain in th' ferest by Large Bat.
"Et tu, Large Batae?"
Dragon Imperator Bart has defeated his master, matey, Guth t' advance t' level 5 after 9 days!!
Dragon Imperator Arathorn has been slain in th' ferest by Tae Kwon-do Centipede.
"Die, me dear Tae Kwon-do Centipede? That's th' last thin' I shall do!" boldly declared Dragon Imperator Arathorn.
Dragon Imperator Arathorn has been resurrected by Ramius.
Dragon Imperator Arathorn has been slain in th' ferest by Crazy Cajun.
"Die, me dear Crazy Cajun? That's th' last thin' I shall do!" boldly declared Dragon Imperator Arathorn.
Dragon Imperator Arathorn has defeated his master, EauSalee t' advance t' level 3 after 7 days!!
Empress o' Vordus Luna has defeated her master, matey, Adoawyr t' advance t' level 14 after 19 days!!
Traveler Grodech has defeated his master, matey, Malwares t' advance t' level 7 after 13 days!!
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Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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