• Create A Character
Create a Character
How will ye be known t' this world?
Enter a password:
Re-enter it fer confirmation:
Enter yer email address: (required, an email will be sent t' this address t' verify it befere ye can log in)

And are you a Female or a Male?
Your privacy is important to us, please read our privacy policy

Characterz that have never been logged into will be deleted after 1 day(s) o' no activity.
Characterz that have never reached level 2 will be deleted after 10 days o' no activity.
Characterz that have reached level 2 at least once will be deleted after 30 days o' no activity.
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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Version: 1.0.6+classic
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